MSCA awards €417 million to postdoctoral researchers
1696 outstanding postdoctoral researchers were selected for funding among 10,360 applicants.

The European Commission will award €417 million to 1696 postdoctoral researchers to work at top universities, research centres, private and public organisations and small and medium-sized enterprises.
The European Research Executive Agency (REA) received 10,360 applications for this call, 16.6 % of which were selected for funding.
Female awardees represent 43.8%. The selected applicants represent nearly 95 nationalities. They will work in 47 countries in Europe and the rest of the world.
The Commission will award
- €354.6 million to 1528 researchers through European Postdoctoral Fellowships, allowing them to carry out their projects in the EU or countries associated to Horizon Europe
- €62.58 million for Global Postdoctoral Fellowships, allowing 168 researchers to carry out research outside the EU or countries associated to Horizon Europe, mostly in the United States, Switzerland and Canada, before returning back to Europe
The projects selected span all scientific disciplines
This pie chart shows the projects by scientific disciplines. The top disciplines are social sciences and humanities with 22.94% and life sciences with 20.93%.
Among the successful applicants, three postdoctoral fellows have been selected in the field of nuclear research as part of the cooperation between the MSCA and the Euratom Research and Training Programme 2021-2025.
An overview of the evaluation results, cut-off scores and statistics has been published on the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call page of the Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal.
Once grant agreements are finalised, the complete list of funded projects will be published on the same page and on CORDIS.
Next steps for successful applicants
Host organisations and researchers have received letters informing them of the outcome of the selection process. They should be able to access the results of the evaluation in their personal area of the Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal.
The letter contains all the instructions about the next steps to prepare the grant agreement with the European Research Executive Agency. The first projects will start at the earliest in April 2025.
292 projects are on the reserve list and may be contacted at a later stage if funding is available.
MSCA Seal of Excellence recipients
2940 applicants with an evaluation score equal to or above 85%, but whose proposal could not be funded due to insufficient budget, will be awarded an MSCA Seal of Excellence to help them secure alternative funding from national or regional authorities.
The certificates will be awarded from mid February 2025. Awardees will receive a notification on the Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal. Once available, the Seal of Excellence certificate can be downloaded from the “Process documents” section.
We advise recipients to consult at national/regional level for MSCA Seal of Excellence holders. MSCA National Contact Points in your host country can also help finding alternative funding sources.
ERA fellowships
41 additional fellowships will go to excellent researchers to carry out their fellowships in "widening countries” under the European Research Area (ERA) Fellowships Action.
Selected applicants will receive the results of the ERA Fellowships call together with the letter informing them of the results of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships. The letters provide detailed instructions on the next steps for the preparation of the grant agreement with the European Research Executive Agency.
Applicants should be able to access the results of the evaluation by accessing their personal area on the Funding and Tenders Opportunities Portal.
Next funding round coming soon
The next call for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships is planned to open on 8 May 2025.
For more information look at our how to apply page.
Visit European Research Executive Agency website.
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