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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Developing talents, advancing research


Escape the bio-lab

Join our online learning adventure and unleash your inner cellular biologist!

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Woman solving riddle to escape the room

In 2022, the European Commission launched its competition Expertiment for the Classroom. This competition asked teachers from across Europe to team up with leading researchers funded through the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions and co-create learning material based on cutting-edge research. Over 500 researchers and teachers took part, and more than 100 excellent proposals were submitted to our international jury.

After long deliberations, the jury selected the three best proposals. Escape the bio-lab was one of them. We hope you enjoy this creative and simply wonderful activity for your classroom.

Escape Room – can you escape from the bio lab?

A group of highschoolers are taken on a science tour to visit a biomedical engineering research centre. The students are shown around by one of the scientists, when all of a sudden there is a loud explosion! 

The security alarm goes off and everyone rushes inside a lab. But then its doors close! You are trapped inside.

Do you have what it takes to get out again? You will need to puzzle, learn about cell biology, apply medical technology and unleash your inner biologists. 

But hurry! The air is getting thin.

Join Marie Skłodowska Curie fellow Sahba Mobini and secondary school teacher Luis Cerrajero de la Cruz for this exciting escape game. 

It combines topics that are high on the school curriculum (eucaryotic cells, cellular division, histology, and biotechnology) with cutting-edge research in the area of stem cells and regenerative medicine.


Then check out the teachers' guide, the pupils' instructions and clue cards below. 

Escape Room – Video

This  video will give your pupils additional information to become cellular biologists and escape the bio lab.

This video is hosted on YouTube.

Escape the bio-lab - materials

Escape the bio-lab: material in other languages

Links to material in other languages
Video languageTeachers guideClue cardsStudent instructions
български - ВидеоРъководство за учителиKарти с указанияИнструкции за ученици  
español - videoGuía del docenteTarjetas de pistasInstrucciones para el alumnado  
čeština - videoPříručka pro vyučujícíKartičky s nápovědouPokyny pro studenty  
dansk - videoUnderviserens vejledningSporkortElevens vejledning  
Deutsch - videoBegleitmaterial für LehrkräfteHinweiskartenBegleitmaterial für Schüler*innen  
eesti keelTreoir õpetajaleVihjete kaardidJuhised õpilastele  
Ελληνικά - βίντεοΟδηγός καθηγητήΚάρτες στοιχείωνΟδηγός μαθητή  
français - VidéoGuide de l'enseignantCartes indiceInstructions pour les élèves  
Gaeilge - FíseánTreoir an mhúinteoraCártaí leideannaTreoir an dhalta  
hrvatski - videoVodič za nastavnikeKartice s tragovimaUpute za učenika  
italiano - videoGuida per l’insegnanteCarte degli indiziIstruzioni per gli studenti  
latviešu valoda - videoSkolotāja rokasgrāmataMājienu kartītesInstrukcijas skolēnam  
lietuvių kalba - Vaizdo įrašasMokytojo vadovasUžuominų kortelėsMokinio instrukcijos  
magyar - VideóÚtmutató tanároknakNyomkártyákHasználati utasítás diákoknak  
Malti - videoIl-gwida għall-għalliemaKarti tal-ħjielStruzzjonijiet għall-istudenti  
Nederlands - videoHandleiding voor leerkrachtenAanwijzingskaartenInstructies voor leerlingen  
polski - wideoPoradnik dla nauczycielaKarty ze wskazówkamiInstrukcje dla uczniów  
português - videoGuia do professorCartas de pistasInstruções do aluno  
română - videoManualul profesoruluiCarduri de indiciiInstrucțiunile elevilor  
slovenčina - videoPríručka pre učiteľaKarty s indíciamiPokyny pre študentov  
slovenščina - videoVodnik za učiteljeKarte z namigiNavodila za učence  
suomi - videoOpettajan ohjeetVihjekortitOppilaan ohjeet  
svenska - videoVägledning för lärarenLedtrådskortInstruktioner för eleverna